Saturday 4 February 2012

iPro Lens System by Schneider Optics

iPro Lens System
Price: $199
Schneider Optics with its new iPro Lens System designed for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S,  takes iPhone photography or iPhotography to the next level.
The iPro Lens System is a casing for the iPhone 4/4S and users to attach lenses over the default iPhone camera lens.
Both the Wide Angle and the Fisheye Lenses use a bayonet mount to securely fasten onto the iPhone case. The iPhone case gives you the two options of attaching the handle on the left or right side of the iPhone. The handle itself safely stores your lenses and enables you to attach your iPhone to any tripod.
The system includes:
  • Fisheye Lens - Captures pictures with a spectacular 165° field of view
  • Wide Angle Lens - Provides an impressive 35% wider field of view
  • iPhone 4/4S Case - Uses a bayonet mount to attach lenses and integrates handle attachment points on both sides
  • Handle/Lens Case - Provides steady shots as a handle, stores lenses, and is also a tripod mount adapter


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